Olympiad Preparation

Now I thought and as many of you demanded for Olympiad preparation materials I am starting it. Now I am going to share to you the best study materials for Olympiad Preparation. If you solve these questions from them you can surely be one of the members of International olympiads. You dont need to solve each of them just do some questions from each. You need not solve all completely. But I am providing you more than your needs to suit everybody's interest.


Starting book:
University Physics(13th edition)

Problem Books:
Problems in General Physics(I.E. Irodov)
Solutions to I.E. Irodov’s Problems in Physics(Volume I)
Solutions to I.E. Irodov’s Problems in Physics(volume II)
Aptitude Test Problems in Physics(S.S. Krotov)
200 Puzzling Physics Problems

Error Analysis:
An Introduction to Error Analysis(John R. Taylor)

Past Physics Olympiad Problems and Solutions:
Past IPhO Problems and Solutions
Past APhO Problems and Solutions

Advanced Books(recommended if you have a lot of time for preparation):
Introduction to Classical Mechanics(David Morin)
Introduction to Electrodynamics(David J. Griffiths)


ICHO Preparatory Problems

Past Competition Problems



Olympiad General Preparation:
Geometry: Plane Geometry
The classical geometry resources are still the superior choices for study, even though they are very dense. Start with 1 and 2 (CPIG and Greitzer), but everything you will need can be found in Altshiller-Court,Johnson, or Aref.
Classical Olympiad Study:
Modern Olympiad Level Presentations:
Algebra: Inequalities - (Geometric and Analytic)
The modern resources are far superior choices for study. Start with the tutorials and then the books, everything you will need is there. The classical resources include large amounts of material that is not relevant for high school olympiad contests and though interesting, can eat up your time.
Modern Olympiad Level Presentations:
Classical Olympiad Level Study:
Additional Inequalities Problem Books and Reference:
Algebra: (Functional Equations)
There are no classical resources on olympiad functional equations problems. It was all hit or miss from various magazine problem sections. Start with the tutorials, then on to the books, then it's just a matter of doing problems. Treat each one as a puzzle.
Discrete Mathematics (Combinatorics, Graph Theory):

The modern treatments are far superior to the classical resources. There are a number of good textbooks for background, but often include too much. The Art of Problem Solving Intermediate Counting is a good book to start with.
Number Theory:
The background for number theory can be found in any of dozens books that are usually titled "elementary number theory" or some variation. Once you know the basics it really is all about doing problems.


  1. Please provide some books for Olympiads like IMO(Maths) and ICHO(chem.) .

    1. Ya I am searvhibg for IMO and ICHO books. Will upload by Sunday.

  2. Sir national Olympiad ke liye bhi books upload kardo please....

  3. My mobile's software was damaged so i took it for repairing and so couldnot add more on Sunday.

  4. Sir please upload for all the Olymiads starting from the basics thank you so much for all your help

  5. Sir why arent you adding material for Olympiads as you told you will? Please make it available as soon as possible. Thankyou.

    1. Bro i am also quite busy. But still trying to search.

  6. University physics book is not opening
    Kindly re upload it.

  7. Ss krotov unable to download that Link is also of irodov.

  8. Thank you for information.For more info about JEE IIT NTSE Mathematics olympiad You can visit us at http://www.kcseducate.in/


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